PTS Typing Speed Test Preparation Online WPM Practice Simple Test

Pakistan Testing Service PTS is conduct tests from the applicant for the non-government & government sector in all over Pakistan. Pakistan Testing Service PTS issue a roll number slip for the aspirant & then held a written test according to the schedule. After the written test PTS also held a typing test which is also called a skill test for LDC, UDC, CAT test, GAT test, ACCA test, NAT test, Medical MCAT test, etc. All the Aspirants who are seeking the Skill test preparation & wants to know about the typing test should visit this site. Here we provide the details about the typing test which is conducted by PTS. All the applicants should pass the PTS typing test to take the interview. Here on this page, we will provide details about the PTS typing test & Test preparation online.

PTS Typing Speed Test preparation Online WPM Practice Simple Test

All the eligible applicants who apply for the PTS Jobs fulfil the requirements. That applicant who fulfils the requirements can appear for the written & typing test. It is mandatory to clear both tests. The applicant who clears the written test but typing test fail will be considered fail and if aspirant fails the written test and pass the typing test they also considered fail. Usually, 30 to 35 WPM speed is required to pass the test but sometimes PTS required 40 to 45 WPM for such a post. The applicant who wants to clear the typing test should increase their typing test to 60 to 70 WPM.

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